– How To Login?
Make it easy to enhance the internet accessibility of your home as well as a workplace by using the Wi-Fi range repeaters. These repeaters consist of two wireless routers, which make them a more reliable option in terms of expanding your internet coverage to a wider area. What a repeater does is transfer the signals to the other wireless router, which ultimately leads to more boosted signals.
All you need is to learn how to set up or log in to the repeater. Either you can use the IP address or any other private IP address. By login into your account, you can make changes as per your preference.
Private Vs. Public IP Addresses
Talking about the private IP address, it is directly linked to your Wi-Fi network. This chain of numbers is used to access the admin page of the router. Other than this, you will get another public IP address. The public IP Address will also be a chain of four numbers which is different from the number of your private IP Address. With the help of the public IP Address, you can easily allow your router to connect with the internet. In this way, you will see the public IP address every time you will visit any website.
Coming to the basic difference between the private and public IP Addresses, you can easily make changes in the public IP Address. It is a universal fact that every router needs to have a different public IP address. You won’t believe it, but your IP address will pass to someone else once you disconnect from the internet. If this does not take place, it becomes difficult to get enough addresses for each customer.
Yes, you can also have a public IP address that remains unchanged. These are known as static IP addresses. The websites that need to stay online all the time or the cloud servers need these types of addresses.
How To Access Wireless Repeater Settings Page?
To access the Wireless Repeater Settings Page, you can go for two options. Here we are explaining the same in detail.
- The very first thing that you need to do is switch off the router that is being connected to the repeater. This is done because the range extender will keep on broadcasting the subnet.
- After that, you have to connect your repeater to your respective desktop or laptop. You can use an ethernet cable for the same.
- In order to obtain the IP automatically, make sure that the PC’s wired Ethernet card is configured.
- Now, use the repeater’s default IP address, and for instance, you can use
In case the DHPC is disabled, then you need to manually assign the IP from the same subnet to your network card.
- Firstly, you need to reset the wireless repeater to factory defaults. For this, you need to hold the reset or WPS button for a few seconds until all the lights and flash turn off.
- Using an ethernet cable, establish a connection between the repeater and the PC.
- Now, use your default IP address, login, and password for the login process.
- In this way, you can access the setting page of My Wireless Repeater.
- Then, you need to change the IP address of the repeater with the address belonging to the same subnet that your router uses before the configuration process.
To understand this whole concept, let’s take an example. If you are eagerly awaiting to setup your repeater so that you can enjoy better internet accessibility in all corners of your house. You need to use the required IP address of the router. Mainly, it is Now, you need to login to your config page of the extender and need to assign address – For that, you need to turn off the DHCP server and reboot the device after saving the necessary changes. Once you get assigned or to your network card, it’s time to log in to the repeater settings again using an Ethernet cord or cable. Make sure that the device is repeating the signals of the router. In this way, you can easily get access to the router’s settings using You can also get access to the config page of the extender.
What Is An IP Address Such As is a private IP Address that makes a separate identity of your router. As most router manufacturers use a selection of private IP addresses, cannot be counted as a unique IP. It is being used by a range of routers. You might surprise to know that the owner of the router will be the only person who needs to get aware of the private IP Address.
Now the question is – how can a router connect to your computer device if there are limited IPs?
Along with that, there are devices like printers and storage devices that also have their own IP addresses. With the help of this string of numbers, different devices can communicate with the other.
Want To Change Your Local Ip Address – How?
It is witnessed that many people try to change the actual local IP address of the router. If you want to change your IP address from to something else, you need to take note of your new address. To do that, you need to look for the general settings menu that will present on the main page only. Here you should select the network settings. Scroll the menu, and you will find router settings there. Here you need to type in the IP Address. Save the changes, and you are done.
Change The Username And Password Of Your Wi-Fi Network!
Many a time, you want to make modifications to the details of the Wi-Fi network. If you want to do so, then you need to learn about the SSID or the Service Set Identifier, which is the name of your Wi-Fi network.
In order to make changes in the same, you need to follow the below-written steps:
- Firstly, you need to go through the general settings menu.
- Then you need to select the option of wireless settings.
- Then it would be best if you filled in the name of the specific Wi-Fi network in which you want to make the changes. All of this will be available in the SSID field.
- At last, save all the changes and proceed.

You can explore the other options in the same menu – if you want to change the Wi-Fi network password or something else. All you need is to type in the new password in the field of the Wi-Fi network password.
Set the login details for your router and the Wi-Fi network without any hassle. By exploring the other options, you can also make changes regarding optimizing the network or parental control, and more.
How To Find Your IP Address?
It is a fact that is a private IP Address, and you can search for your router model online in case is not your IP address. In this way, you can get the default IP address of your router. Through the manual that comes with the router, you can get your IP Address. If any of these methods doesn’t work, try using your system to find one.
It has been observed that the majority of the people face issues while using the IP Address and others. To tackle this issue and make the overall process smooth and easy, you can take the help of professionals that have valid solutions to all your problems.